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“Surgical-Restorative Resource” Update #1

I’m very excited about a new project and I want to share it with you.

A few months ago I became an editor of “Surgical-Restorative Resource.” Along with my friend, Dr. Scott Froum, I produce a monthly e-mail newsletter covering all topics related to the team approach to complex dental care.

(A quick side note, Scott is the son of the world-renown Dr. Stuart Froum, whose blog can be found here.)

I’ve been thrilled with the many talented authors who have shared their opinions, experiences, and research over the past three issues.  Sometimes controversial, sometimes ahead of their time, the articles are always practical and thought-provoking.

A few times a year I’d like to share some of may favorites with you on this website.  All of the content that appears in the newsletter can be found at

But if you don’t want to miss out on all the great information as it comes out and would like to receive the newsletter once a month, contact PennWell publishing at this site.  At no charge, you can sign up for a monthly dose of awesome dentistry presented by awesome leaders in our field.

I want this to happen to you every time you read SRR

So picking my favorite articles from the past three months of SRR must be what it’s like to pick your favorite children; not easy.  But I’ve selected for you 4 articles from the past 3 months that really captured my attention.  Here we go:

You know that one professor from school that blew your mind every time he/she spoke?  Meet Dr. Ed Schlissel.  In dental school taught me to question everything.  Today, he’s still a valued friend and mentor.

I am a firm believer that every implant restoration should be screw-retained if possible.  But Ed makes me think twice with this article.  In my opinion, he presents the most convincing reason to design implant cases to be cement-retained.

I use Marotta Dental Studio for all of my esthetic and implant cases.  Steven Pigliacelli CDT, VP and Director of Education at Marotta, provides us with crucial questions to ask any and all laboratories that you are looking to use in your practice.

Steven is a wealth of information and, as usual, he offers sage advice.

Theresa Tolsdorff is a dental assistant with over 30 years of experience, much of which has been as a surgical assistant at Stony Brook School of Dental Medicine.  Along with Scott Froum, she created a list of items and tasks to ensure the surgical placement of an implant goes smoothly.

It doesn’t get more practical than this.

Dr. Gregg Helvey has helped redefine how we do crown preparations.  His controversial technique is at the cutting edge of dentistry.  I’ve started to incorporate similar techniques into my practice with great success.

In this article, Gregg provides an outline that will blow your mind.  For a full discussion of his technique, check out this post.


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