I’ve discussed before that perhaps the best source of referrals is your own pool of satisfied patients. It’s more effective and costs less than running a newspaper ad, for example.
The trick, of course, is getting your patients to refer their friends, family and co-workers. How does one do that exactly?
The first step is to realized that a “satisfied patient” may refer new patients to your practice over time, but a “raving fan” will do so more often and sooner.
There are numerous, cost-effective ways to bring the “WOW factor” into your practice.
In one post, I talked about promoting the businesses of your patients. In another post, I discussed personalizing your new patient letters.
Now I’d like to challenge you to write a note, once a week, to someone you know.
Can you remember the last time you received a hand-written note in the mail? I bet you were very impressed that someone took the time to personally reach out to you.
I promise it will only take ten minutes tops. And all it costs is a box of blank cards and some postage.
Here are my top five categories of notes I will write:
(1) A thank you note to a patient who has referred a new patient to me.
(2) A compliment to a dental colleague who went above and beyond to provide great care for a patient of mine.
(3) A note of congratulations to a dental colleague who has achieved something in our field, such as opening a new office, a new position in the dental society, etc.
(4) A touching letter of condolence to a patient who has lost a loved one. This may not be appropriate depending upon the circumstances and how well you know the patient.
(5) Sentiments of well wishing to a patient who has started a new business.
More ideas about creating “raving fans” will follow in future posts. In the mean time, check out a great book call “Raving Fans” by Ken Blanchard and Sheldon Bowles.